Time to Get Healthy!

As you may have guessed, after all of my health issues (thanks to genetics!) my diet changed dramatically in October 2017 as I determined to become healthier and reverse some serious medical issues. So, under strict supervision by my primary care physician and cardiologist, I began the Ketogenic way of eating (no-carb/high-fat). Almost immediately I…

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India – Days Two & Three

Well, you know what they say: “The best laid plans …” or something like that. Anyway, yesterday (Sunday) was a bust for me. Seems that pain in my right lower side/back was another kidney stone lurking around. By late Saturday night I was in immense pain. By Sunday early morning I was moaning and groaning…

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India – Day One

It’s been an interesting day here in New Delhi. After getting 4 hours sleep last night, I woke up at 5:30 AM this Saturday morning fully awake though physically tired. So I sat in bed and wrote about my travels here. After posting that blog, I went back to sleep and finally slept 4 more…

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India – Arrival

After a LONG flight, I finally arrived here in New Delhi, India on Thursday night around 8:30 PM. With the 9 1/2-hour time difference, it seemed as though we were in the air over 23 hours, though the flight itself was only 14 hours from Newark. I left Jacksonville yesterday morning at 11AM and sat…

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Thanksgiving in NYC!

IMG_0892.JPG Originally uploaded by garystripling We had a GREAT time this past week, spending the holiday in New York City. Thanks to the realtor for which Emily works as a nanny for his daughter, we were able to get a one-bedroom flat on the upper East Side (63rd & Lexington) for the week. It was…

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From Nick Coetzee

“I want to commend you for your incredible work on designing and printing the press kits for one of my international clients. Your work is always impeccable and on time. Keep up the good work. I also love the work you are doing on my new website. I would recommend any ministry or business to…

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From Sheena Lewis

“I knew Gary was the right man for the job when we met for the first time and he reached out to give me a hug rather than a handshake. What has been most important to me in the process of choosing representation is finding an agency and manager that shared my heart for the…

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In Memory of Camille

The past 24 hours have been pretty emotional for our family. My wife’s mother, Camille Mizell, passed away early yesterday morning. She was 82 years old and had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the past 7 years. Other than that cruel disease she was in pretty good shape for someone her age. She became suddenly…

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