
And God Saw That It Was Good

  God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from…

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Personal Matters

Whatever Happened to Tolerance & Free Speech?

Our country is facing a culture war like we’ve never seen before. It boiled over a little bit this week when the LGBT and Hollywood communities attacked Chick-fil-A’s CEO for expressing an opinion about redefining marriage to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle. This post is my response. My point, like that of many who agree with…

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All In The FamilyPersonal Matters

Halloween – Good or Bad?

I’ve been asked what the difference between Christians celebrating Christmas and Easter, and NOT celebrating Halloween? Christmas and Easter, while certainly pagan in its roots, directly celebrate our Savior’s birth and resurrection, respectively. Halloween, on the other hand, has nothing to do with Jesus, His life, etc. The Christmas holiday we celebrate today is indicative…

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All About Worship

The Holiness of God

How many times have you been in a church service where the pastor or staff person said from the stage, “Let’s give it up for God,” or some similar exhortation? It’s as though every time someone takes the stage, they feel compelled to ask for a “clap offering” from the congregation before they can speak—”Put…

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Music Industry

How to Get a Manager and Not Get Ripped Off

I’ve heard many hard-luck stories from artists who had bad experiences with managers. Yet many times the bad experiences were precipitated by a misunderstanding of “who does what” and why. That’s why the writer of the following submitted this to the blog of an industry website popular among “indie” artists and bands: You first need…

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